Student Guidelines

Kinderhula admits students of any race, color, creed, national and ethnic origin, or religion to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accord or made available to students in classes. Kinderhula policies follow basic halau (hula school) protocol, as follows:
Hula is more than dancing. It is our way of life. Our core values are ho'ihi (respect), lokahi (unity), and malama (care). We believe that our hula 'ohana (family) is stronger by living with the traditions passed down from our kupuna (ancestors/elders).
Ho'ihi me kealoha pumehana no ka hula.
(to behave respectively, to spread my love for the hula)
There are rules of behavior involving class behavior, our teachers, and alaka'i (assistant).
1. Be courteous and respectful to yourself, fellow students, alaka'i, and to the teacher. Please call or text the teacher if you are running late, are ill, and/or cannot attend class.
2. Listen and learn. When your teacher or alaka'i is speaking or demonstrating, please keep quiet and pay attention.
3. Use your eyes and ears to learn. Practice what you are taught so you can  learn the material and keep up with the class.
4. Beepers and cell phones must be in vibrate mode. All calls are to be made near the entrance of the studio.
5. Handle your hula garments, implements, and accessories with respect. These items are special and should not be treated casually or carelessly.
6. Please bring a filled water bottle to each class.
7. Please use the restroom prior to class.
8. Scheduled class time is the start time for class. Please be ready to learn.
9. All choreographed dances for our studio belong to Kinderhula. All dances are interpreted and choreographed for our studio only. You may dance the songs for others, but not share or teach the choreography with anyone else without permission.
These are our rules for performances:
1. You are required to show up on time and preferably at least 15 minutes prior to our stage time.
2. You are expected to display good manners and professional behavior. If not, you risk being expelled from any future performances and/or being expelled from our performance group. No exceptions. You are not only representing our halau and pupu ori. You are representing our kupuna and our culture.
3. Keiki (child) performers are not required to wear makeup.

Kuhi no ka lima,
hele no ka maka.

Where the hands move,
there let the eyes follow.

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